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  • Writer's pictureCoach Ivy

Pursue your Passion

… with excellence!! My motto that keeps me going every day. It's not about being perfect but more about giving each day my very best. Living a life without regrets.

What is the outcome of your goals? What do you want to achieve? How are you living your life to the fullest?

I am reminded that it takes more than planning to accomplish my goals. It takes being flexible and constantly adapting to new ideas, applying different tools and methods until it works. One of my goals is to master executing my plan to complete my goal. I'll admit I am good at starting a goal but not the best at completing the goal. For example, several months ago, my goal was to read a novel… and it took me daysy, days became weeks, weeks turned into a month or more before I actually finish the book. Go figure! Lesson learned - no matter how long it takes and how many times it takes, every failure is a reminder that I'm trying for size until I succeed.

The key ingredient is having an attitude to never give up!! Never give up because as the saying goes, you only qualify for what you pursue. Therefore, I choose to live loudly and purposefully, realizing that to be anything less is to sacrifice my gift of living. I want to make every day worth living. When it comes to endurance training, I am a work in progress. I am constantly learning and experimenting with new ways of finding the right mix of training, nutrition and recovery while maintaining a balance of doing the activities I enjoy - hanging out with family and friends, cooking, napping, photography, and reading to name a few. Regardless of what I decide to do with my time, I am looking to maximize my performance in my life as a coach and athlete. To be prepared for the expected and unexpected of living life; to embrace the good, bad and ugly because that's what makes life interesting. To apply what I am learning in life to serve people at the highest level. When I overcome challenges and face my fears, it builds my confidence and belief that I am worth it.

Know that you are worth it. Appreciate the journey and where it takes you. The value you learn about you is worth the trials, sweat and tears; and the experience of becoming the best you.

Realize this, you are called for greatness. Believe it or not, we are all called for greatness. Of all the people in the world, there is only one of you, one of me, and one of every single person on this planet. Discover what you’re called to be and do it immediately. What is your purpose? What are you waiting for? What will you miss out if you don't do it?

Life is meant to be lived out loud. Pursue your passion and know your destiny. Love what you do and do what you love. No one else gets to live that life but you. Remember to color outside the lines and step out of your box. Be bold and dare to dream big because there is a world of possibilities waiting to be discovered.


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