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  • Writer's pictureCoach Ivy

Healing Begins

The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as a have a contrite spirit. Psalm 34:18

Some people say that time heals all wounds. A part of me agrees with that thought but the loss of losing my mother still hurts even to this day. When I start to miss and long for her I choose to do the things she loved most. Spending quality time with my family and loved ones, reading the Bible, exercising often, being creative, and traveling the world.

My mother was loving, generous, merciful and full of laughter. She loved to be around people, engage in intellectual conversations that made you ponder deeply the purpose of life and was full of practical wisdom and wit. Her life is a reflection of her walk with God. Not that she was perfect but she tried her best to set a good example for my family and those around her.

Her devotion to studying the Bible impresses me the most. She gave me an appreciation for reading the Bible, classical music, and finding creative ways to capture what is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. For me that is photography, arranging my cooking and baking in an appealing way and more. Although she didn't enjoy cooking, she was the best cook of traditional Taiwanese cuisine across the pond!

Her determination to fight her battle with cancer is a testimony of God’s amazing grace and promise to deliver and restore unto her life, joy and peace in abundance. I am humbled and amazed by her ability to deal with extreme pain and suffering. She was resilient and brave. She taught me how to handle fear and adversity with courage and grace. Even though I miss and long for her, I know she is in a better place. I am at peace knowing that she is no longer suffering but in the presence of God. I am blessed to have had a devoted and loving mother who expressed her loved and acceptance of me.

On the road to healing, I grow more confident, stronger and bold. Life is a gift. Each moment brings its joy, sorrows, trials and tribulations. Through it all, never give up. God’s grace is sufficient and covers it all.

How do you deal with grief and sadness? It is acceptable to cry and allow yourself to experience sadness for a time. My hope is that you will learn to cope of those emotions in a healthy way so you can move forward in life.


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