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Get excited for each day!

How do you wake up each morning? Do you wake up on the right side of bed? Do you wake up looking forward to a new day with excitement or do you dread getting up to face the day.

I often tell people I wake up super excited to greet each day. Each day is a new day to see how what I can learn, how I can make the most of the opportunities that come my way. Your attitude determines how you will face each day. Recognizing my time on earth is limited, I choose to face the day with joy and positivity. I spend a few moments to myself reflecting on what I want to accomplish, how I want to feel and all the activities planned for that day. I look forward to my morning routine, spending a few moments reading the a few Psalms and Proverbs before my morning workout.

Every day is an awesome day because I am alive to live it, experience the good, bad and ugly. Being aware of my blessings and living in abundance gives me perspective. Most of the people in the world do not enjoy the comforts I grew up with. That alone keeps me humble and reminds me to not take anything for granted. We each have one life to live, are you living your life without regrets?

If you're struggling to face each morning with optimism, try this. Set aside time to reflect on why that is and a few ideas of how you can change that in your favor. What would you do differently to wake up looking forward to each day?


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