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  • Writer's pictureCoach Ivy

Leading Others

On my quest to maximize the opportunities before me, this morning's run with my buddy Arianna led me to ponder the qualities and characteristics of excellent leaders.  There isn’t a one-way to approach leading others, however, I've noticed that there are a few traits successful leaders have in common. Below are a few traits and characteristics of effective leaders (in my humble opinion) in no particular order:

  • Lead by Example:  To be a good leader, one should be a role model and earn the will of their followers; and to be the kind of person that everyone else looks up to and wants to be like. With that in mind, if you aren’t born with a knack for leadership, it takes time and persistence to nurture and coach people into skillful leaders.

  • Vision: Leaders have vision and inspiration.  They share, with passion and enthusiasm, a dream and direction, that inspire people to share and follow.  Their inspiration motivates people to achieve and bring about change.    

  • Respect: Leaders respect and value their own people and their clients.  They make people feel valued and genuinely values their worth and their efforts. They possess the ability to be kind, yet firm while delegating responsibility and taking corrective action.

  • Effective Communicator:  Leaders communicate openly and continuously by asking the right questions rather than telling.  They are open to new ideas and great listeners too. The best leaders strive to perfect is the ability to speak effectively and persuasively.

  • Strategic Planning:  Leaders know and understand that change is inevitable in any work or business; therefore they are proactive about managing a changing culture and have the ability to look ahead, to anticipate with some accuracy where the industry and the markets are going.

  • Curiosity:  Leaders are lifelong learners.  They know what they don’t know and constantly seek knowledge from various sources.

  • Balance: Leaders have the ability to manage their life in such a way that their personal, professional, and spiritual needs and responsibilities are prioritized.  

  • Character: Leaders have the courage to admit when they make mistakes and willing to make tough decisions.  They are decisive and confident in themselves and in their vision. They know how to give credit where credit is due.

  • Integrity: The core of integrity is truthfulness. Integrity requires the leader to always tell the truth, to all people, in every situation. Truthfulness is the foundation quality of the trust that is necessary for the success of any business.

  • Humility: It means that the leader has the self-confidence and self-awareness to recognize the value of others without feeling threatened. This is one of the rarer attributes – or traits – of good leaders because it requires containment of one’s ego. It means that you are willing to admit you could be wrong, that you recognize you may not have all the answers.

  • Last but not least, leaders are conscious of the understanding that their success is your success.  A good leader empowers others, which encourages a person’s development as a creative thinker and problem solver, and eventually as a possible leader someday.

What qualities do you look for in an effective leader? If you are leading others, what are you doing to be the best leader for your team and/or organization?


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